Summer Holiday is here! children have broken up from school, the sun is shining with the warm air making everyone hot and miserable and the traffic is a nightmare! but I was not going to let these minor things spoil the first day. They chose to walk to the white horse at Osmington, so I made the picnic and off we went.

Up the steep climb with the sun roasting our backs, but just round the corner was the treat stop.
Picnic time and it was 11am, the white horse only 1 mile to our right, so we almost made it.
After the picnic in the thistle field, and a congratulations from three horse riders on a successful walk, we thought our job was done, so down we walked & slid. After this success we stopped at the local SunRay for a quick pint and ice-cream.
Afternoon entertainment, see what happens when you give them to much ice-cream!