Wednesday today and we met friends Joleyne with her children Max, Anya and Louis , all the same ages as our 4. We parked at the nearest beach to our house Overcome Corner and then walked halfway to Weymouth town centre to Greenhill Gardens where there is a public sandpit and paddling pool. We arrived nice and early to beat the crowds and had a lovely couple of hours playing in the sand, having a water fight with full buckets and water pistols, and a lovely picnic to finish. After loading Joleynes' stroller with our mountains of stuff again, we trundled off back down the seafront towards the car and stoppped for an hour on the stoney bit of beach for another play. Needless to say certain children got soaking wet for the second time and thoroughly enjoyed walking back to the car in their pants! We have another full bucket of stones and shells in the backyard to add to the several we already have out there!

Building a sand city, but as the saying goes "too many cooks spoil the broth", yes it does apply to sand castle building too! There was huge debate over where the sand ducks were allowed to go and which part was the entrance and whether there should be a moat or a wall around the edge!

Four holes dug and children buried. Jo and I were in need of a rest!