This week could have been very eventful for ! I missed out on a work trip to San Francisco to promote the company's new technology which would of also meant I may have had a chance to see Tottenham Hotspur take on the San Jose Earthquakes at football, but it was not to be! But all was not lost as I still managed to see Oliver & Bethany perform in their school sports day. The morning events were for Bethany's Year which consisted of a variety of small events ranging from stilt walking to making a clowns face out of pompoms and bean bags. After these events came the running races which all parents are waiting for to cheer on their child's athletic ability, Bethany came a good 2nd in the sprint. Well done Bethany!!

I dig those tiger feet
Go go go go go go.. COME ON!!!!
Need to teach Jacob and Rebecca about running on the bang of the gun!
The mummy race was cancelled due to NO competitors, but the Daddy race was definitely on! I came second but had an apology from the winner who started running before the whistle. There is always next year.
The afternoon was Oliver's time to shine, he came 2nd in the 75m sprint and 3rd in the agonising to watch 400m, which was set in a straight line, not round the track. He managed to win the 200m part but did not realise he had to run back to make it 400m, he managed a well deserved 3rd place.
On the way back
The relay race. There is still time to practice the changeovers before 2012.