The children asked for a pyjama day today. They were worn out from the last few days and two late nights. So stay in their pyjamas they did! I lasted until 11am and then the shower and my clothes were just calling too loudly to ignore. We played games, wrote a couple of "thank you" e cards to those living in Walnut Creek USA, made a den, did some dancing to "Wham" ( ok, it was mainly me doing the dancing with Jacob holding onto my leg trying to stop me, Oliver and Bethany running around and Rebecca copying - bad move!)
The day finished with a trip to the park, but it was all too much as after half an hour the children all asked to come home and they have all gone to bed really early.

The results of our baking session after we had all eaten one for lunch! Four children and one bowl to lick out. Yes you would have loved to be a fly on the wall!

Anything you can do I can do better!