Before School finished for the summer term, Oliver bought a letter home regarding an event day where he could try out certain water sports at the Weymouth & Portland sailing academy. For some reason not many children turned up which gave the children that did turn up, the chance to try all sporting events on offer. Oliver started off with kayaking, followed by windsurfing and paddle boarding.

Oliver doing the Hawaii 5 O
Meanwhile on the shore Jacob trying to find the something in his boot that is tickling his foot.
Oliver's first attempt at windsurfing, which was amazing he pulled the sail up and off he went.
Even when he dropped the sail he still stayed on, we were all very impressed and proud.
Not realising he was actually frozen in terror of floating away! Someone eventually collected him and brought him back.
This time he had support, and brought the windsurf back home to shore.
Oliver paddle boarding which was his favourite event.