The second week of the Easter holidays and the first time I have remembered the camera! We came to Nothe gardens today to feed the squirrels and birds. The squirrels were all very young ones and not used to being fed, so the children had to use every ounce of patience and managed pretty well! By the end of the summer they will be running up our legs for monkey nuts!

Once the squirrels were full we walked down to the harbour to catch the rowing boat to the other side so we could go to the beach. The thing about rowing boats is that I don't like them very much but I do not like to be shown up by my fearless children, so we went on it anyway. Actually it's not that bad and the view of the harbour from the water is beautiful.

Oliver and Bethany trying to entice me into trailing my hand in the almost below freezing water.
Rebecca decided she couldn't / wouldn't dig up sand herself to make a sandcastle, so she instructed Jacob to get some for her.

I didn't make any comment as I was interested to see what he would do. Here is the evidence! Oh Jacob, Jacob!