As Katharine was not working we decided this was a good weekend to visit Hayling Island, On Friday night we took the children to Hayling village for 'Late night Christmas Shopping' the children enjoyed the fair rides and the fake snow, but we were too late for the mulled wine!
Saturday morning we went to see the Tesco's development at Havant, a vast improvement on the previous site, afterwards we told not to miss the Christmas display at Keydale nursery, by the time we found it, I wish we had missed it!.

Not sure who is going to win this confrontation!
Bethany and Jacob playing gently with cousin Chloe
Resting the day away in bed with Nanny.
Male Hammonds waiting for the evening meal!
Sunday was the DEK childrens Christmas party, which was almost a disaster due to last minute issues:
- Santa cancelled
- DJ Cancelled