Today was the first performance for parents of Bethanys' school Christmas Production. Scott had the afternoon off work so he could watch too. Unfortunately although we took the camera, neither of us remembered to check that the batteries were charged and of course they were completely flat. So we can tell you that Bethany was the most beautiful and by far the most angelic looking Angel of the lot. She sang louder and danced more gracefully than all the other Angels put together! After collecting Oliver as well we went to buy our Christmas tree. Huge excitement all round and we came away with a lovely traditional Norwegian spruce that spent the journey home sticking out of the moon roof of the car between Oliver and Bethany. The tree is now safely in the back yard until the week before Christmas, but Scott did put up the lights on and under the balcony so we can see them for a bit longer. The children raided the box to find some Christmas stockings. They look like the perfect Christmas presents to fill a stocking with!