At the weekend we visited the Hammond clan on Hayling Island. Saturday consisted of cleaning the car inside and out then after lunch we hit the road, and arrived at Hayling at 4pm. Sunday morning soon arrived and we had the traditional Sunday fry-up for breakfast followed by a trip to the beach where we discovered a park & outdoor gym had been built since we last visited. It did occur to me was this a waste of tax payers money ? The sun was shining but this was not Florida and there were no posers using the gym, so I thought lets show what a dad a four can do!! not a lot when it came to it! In the afternoon we went round to test out uncle Wayne's new BBQ and to meet the new member to the family Roxie the Basset Hound. The BBQ soon became a big gathering when old friends arrived with children. Towards the end of the afternoon I found myself playing tag with 18 children.

Rebecca flying around the assault course.
Oliver practicing his Tarzan moves.
Rebecca may have found something to slow her down.
Bethany waiting for her Tarzan to come and swing her across.
Jacob cruising along the climbing wall.
Enjoying the Hayling surf.
Roxie the Hound!!
To much sugar at the BBQ does strange things to you
Niece Phoebe playing with the big kids.
Not a BBQ party without the water fight. Bethany armed and dangerous.
Uncle Wayne boasting about his new BBQ
Jacob hiding from the water guns.
Laying down after all the exercise.