Sunday, February 27, 2011

SeaLife Centre

A trip to the Sealife centre with a big group of friends, 4 adults and 14 children! Scarily, all children belonging to the 4 adults. A good day was had by all and the sun shined.
Bethany sharing her love with the seal, along with Jacob, Rebecca and Louis.
Bethany and I just landing at the bottom of the crocodile flume, pretty intact but a little wet.
Rebecca went down with Libby, partly because she is an adoring fan of the older female, but mainly because Libby had a raincoat which she promised she would put over their heads so they would not get wet! Rebecca was suitably impressed.
Oliver and Libby contemplating the view from on high.

Jacob joining in with the big kids. Guess which friend was flavour of the day?!