The last day of half term and we borrowed Libby and Cerys for the morning as Mum Arlee had baby Zachary a week before. We walked up to the park with Sarah and 3 of her 6 children, Harry, Emma and Jack. With 9 children between the two of us we had our eyes in every direction and arms pushing swings here, there and everywhere.

Libby and Bethany practicing swinging themselves.
Skateboarding on your tummy is much more exciting.
Harry and Oliver flying along on the zip wire.
They were all having so much fun we thought it would be a great idea to have all of them back to ours for lunch. So Sarah and I got to work and after everyone had a full stomach they played the afternoon away with hide and seek (amazing how many hiding places our house has). Cerys and Bethany played at dressing up, there was a game of shops, lego, Libby read books to Jacob and Rebecca and drawing. It was a lovely day. Maybe Scott and I should think about babies 5 and 6 afterall. X