These are for Auntie Rachel who wanted cute pictures of her Nieces and Nephews. When I told them that, they were not in the least bit impressed but these were the best!

Jacob trying to have private play time with Rose Cottage.
Row, row row your boat, just before Rebecca rowed too hard and fell out! Bruised ego but fine otherwise!
Box on head game and "I'm fed up with the camera."
Jacob showing his scientist skills in Cloning Peppa Pig(in playdoh of course)
Pink playdoh peas for Rebecca because they're sooooo much nicer than the real green ones!
Cloning Factory erupted!
Now I know how Rebecca beat me at the Pairs card game, she's been secretly practising in her fuscia flower outfit.
Bethany's art studio. Sorry, but Oliver was far too tired to even contemplate having his picture taken! Maybe when he's in his Beaver uniform tomorrow. What this space. X