We came to Lulworth Castle to see the Medieval Jousting show with some friends today. We have been the last three years and still look forward to it as much and find it as exciting. The view of the showground from the top of the Castle tower.

Oliver and friend Max tackle the monkey bars.
Everyone elses children go up the slide by the steps. Ours....
We love you Fiery Jack!
The Black Knight (Chief horseman in his other life) fights it out with Sir Thomas of Lulworth.
The Black Knight and Sir Charles meet for the Joust.

Sir Thomas and Sir William battle it out. Sir Thomas wins that one.

Sir Charles and Sir William meet to Joust. We gave Sir Charles our favour to bring him luck. A silk scarf which clearly helped, along with the hats, sunglasses, bags and various items of clothing they collected!

We liked Sir Charles.