I am very thankful to the striking teachers today as it gave me an extra day with the children. I thought we ought to do some home schooling really, so we went on a field trip to Lulworth Cove. We had maths when we added up the car park money, home ec when we had a picnic, PE when they climbed on the rocks, geology when looking at the pebbles, biology when we looked at the crabs and sea anemones and art when the children found some clay and made lots of models. All angles covered so we got on with enjoying a fantastic day out in the sunshine!

Very interesting. Men lugging bags onto beach from a boat. Could it be pirate treasure?

Their haul was piled up and the camera zoom not quite strong enough to get a good look, so we meandered up the beach to find out if there was any gold going spare.

Only if you like scallops! A days catch, going straight to London to make someone else some gold. Oliver did check to make sure they hadn't left any bags behind!

Bethany's catch of some sea anemones. Endlessly fascinating.

Oliver's favourite...one of many crabs. This being one of the smallest.
Jacob with his most favourite thing in the whole world...rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. Thankfully this one has not made it back to sit in our garden with half of Weymouth beach which is already there.

Oliver on a mission to collect water for his crab castle. The crabs moved in to the sand castle Rebecca and I made and was then filled with water in an attempt to keep the crabs in one place. It didn't work. We forgot they have lots of legs and move really fast. No animals were harmed in the making of this experiment. They were released back into the sea.
Lots of synchronised playtime going on today!

No idea!