Mummy's birthday is always full of spookiness. The children woke on Saturday morning to find Uncle John & Auntie Laura sleeping in the lounge!! We managed a short trip to the secondary school on Saturday to see a model railway exhibition which the children thoroughly enjoyed, the Adult opinions are a little different. Sunday Katharine woke to birthday cards, presents and a treasure hunt to find the remaining of her gifts. Over lunchtime we went for a wet windy walk around Nothe Fort, we met the usual Nothe Fort residents, plus managed to stop for a hot brew, with the usual spillages!

Top of the windy turret At the end of the pier.
That old game of who can get soaked the most! of course Oliver won as usual.
Break Time! cup of tea always makes the rain go away!! ... apparently!
Nope I am not playing that game!
Feeding the residents.
I don think they are aware of personal space!
Im sure I could make money from a squirrel circus!
Sorry Bethany we cannot take him home!
more strange residents.
Funny kind of snails!